Your Salespeople – First Impressions

Would you like to get sick? Try this exercise. Have your salespeople write down the exact words they use when transitioning out of rapport and into the first sales call. What exactly do they say to their prospects to position themselves for the first appointment.

After you realize that they are all saying something different and that it’s not particularly powerful or captivating, doesn’t differentiate them or your company and doesn’t lead to the kind of conversations you would like your salespeople to have, give them a specific opening. It should sound something like: ‘I’m a _________________ expert. Do you know the difference between a _______________ expert and a ________________ salesperson? No? OK, I’ll explain. Sales is one of my capabilities but as an expert, I also ________________, _________________, ______________________, and _________________. In the area of ______________________, what is the single biggest frustration you have?’

Would you like to get sick again? Have them stand up and execute this opening. It will be incredibly awful as they resist using your words, revert back to their comfort zone and mess up the transitioning question. Would you like to know why your salespeople have so much trouble with this? Evaluate your sales force.